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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
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IBC Voice

IBC Voice is an automated phone banking system that allows you to confidentially and quickly access your IBC Bank account information. Just dial the automatic IBC Voice line and enter your IBC Voice Personal Identification Number (PIN). Afterward, follow the easy steps:
  • Make balance inquiries
  • Transfer funds between IBC Bank accounts
  • Check on the last checks paid, charges/transactions, deposits, and wire transfers
  • Reorder new checks
  • IBC Voice is available in Spanish
IBC Voice | IBC Bank


By allowing access to account information anytime and anywhere, IBC Voice simplifies your life by eliminating confusion.


IBC Voice requires your own personal IBC Voice PIN for access, so no one else can get to your information. You can change your PIN anytime and as often as you want. If you do not have an IBC Voice PIN or need more information, please get in touch with an IBC Bank representative or visit the nearest branch for an IBC Voice demonstration, balance inquiries, and account information.

For Texas Customers
Alamo (956) 994-9494 Harlingen (956) 428-6565 Portland (361) 888-8457
Alice (361) 668-1339 Hebbronville (361) 527-2770 Richmond (713) 523-6349
Angleton (979) 848-8844 Helotes (210) 518-2525 Rio Grande City (956) 847-1212
Aransas Pass (361) 729-0500 Hidalgo (956) 994-9494 Rockport (361) 729-0500
Austin (512) 338-3939 Houston (713) 523-6349 Roma (956) 847-1212
Bay City (979) 245-2550 Katy (713) 523-6349 Round Rock (512) 338-3939
Beeville (361) 358-8775 Kingsville (361) 516-1418 San Antonio (210) 518-2525
Brownsville (956) 547-1040 Lake Jackson (979) 285-2265 San Marcos (512) 353-1024
Cedar Park (512) 338-3939 Laredo (956) 723-2929 Schertz (210) 518-2525
Corpus Christi (361) 888-8457 Leander (512) 338-3939 Sinton (361) 364-3333
Del Rio (830) 775-2410 Luling (830) 875-9334 South Padre Island (956) 547-1040
Dickinson (713) 523-6349 Marble Falls (830) 693-4305 Sugarland (713) 523-6349
Eagle Pass (830) 757-2265 McAllen (956) 994-9494 Uvalde (830) 278-8742
Edinburg (956) 994-9494 Mission (956) 994-9494 Victoria (361) 573-8010
Freeport (979) 285-2265 Pharr (956) 994-9494 Weslaco (956) 968-1315
Friendswood (713) 523-6349 Port Isabel (956) 547-1040 Zapata (956) 847-1212
Galveston (409) 763-2280 Port Lavaca (361) 553-4200    
For Oklahoma Customers
Oklahoma City (405) 841-2332
Lawton (580) 250-4191
Tulsa (918) 497-2444
For Texas Customers

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